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Helping orca stay free and safe

Also known as killer whales, orca not only "eat sharks for breakfast", as quoted by Dr Ingrid Visser, but they are also incredibly intelligent, sensitive, and empathetic creatures.
They are also ‘keystone’ and ‘indicator’ species, meaning they are vital to our ecosystems, and can help us understand the ocean’s health

Both based in Northland, New Zealand, we are very fortunate to be able to work closely with Dr Visser - sometimes even assisting with orca field research in the Whangarei harbour!
Working closely together
Doing More
To celebrate World Orca Day on July 14th, we launched a special promotion to help spread awareness and love for these creatures, for a little over a month.
10% of the 'Killer' deal's proceeds were donated to the Orca Research Trust, in addition to our current ongoing donations

Doing Better
It's important orca stay in the wild!
Orca are social creatures that can travel as far as 150km a day and dive as deep as 1,000m!
That's why we're glad Dr Visser made a suggestion to update our orca pack's image to represent them in their natural habitat. Taking on her advice, we made the changes immediately - some manual labour was involved!

The Orca Research Trust is run by world-renown orca expert, Dr Ingrid Visser, helping keep orca stay in their natural habitats, through research, advocacy, and education.
To learn more about Orca research Trust,
visit their website:
To help these incredible species, 10% net sales profit of our Orca EUGY directly sold in New Zealand, Australia, the United States, and online, is donated to the
Orca Research Trust.
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