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Devils battling the devil: Cancerous disease depletes population

These devils, only found in Tasmania, Australia, were the inspiration behind the classic cartoon character, Taz.
They are often seen with their sharp teeth with an open gape of their jaws, but don't worry - they're probably just yawning!
Tasmanian devils' existence has been under threat due to a widespread transmissible cancer called the Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD).

Save the Tasmanian Devil Program Appeal was established as a direct response to the fatal DFTD. Some of their other work includes mitigating roadkill risks and breeding the devils to genetically diversify the species.
To find out more about Tasmanian devil or the Save the Tasmanian devil Appeal, visit their website:
To assist the species, dodoland is donating 10% net sales profit of our Tasmanian Devil EUGY directly sold in
New Zealand, Australia, USA and online, to the
Save the Tasmanian Devil Program Appeal
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